WASHINGTON—Touting the item as an important piece of aerospace history, the Smithsonian announced Friday that it had acquired the coat hanger Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin used to get back inside the lunar module after locking themselves out. “We’re thrilled that visitors to the National Air And Space Museum will get to see the original untwisted wire hanger that the first two men on the moon used to jimmy open the Eagle module’s door after it locked automatically,” said Smithsonian Secretary Lonnie Bunch, telling reporters that the acquisition would be permanently displayed alongside the moon rock the pair briefly considered using to break open a window. “Reading a history textbook about Armstrong and Aldrin unsuccessfully trying to contact Michael Collins who was orbiting above to see if he could give them a tow can never match the thrill of seeing the actual object they used to get themselves out of the jam, and we can’t wait for our guests to have a chance to experience that.” Bunch added that the hanger had almost led indirectly to the first murder murder in space after Armstrong realized Aldrin had the key in the pocket of his space suit the entire time.