GREENWOOD, IN—Noting that his decision would likely set the tone for the entire meeting, local man Andy Franklin told reporters Tuesday that he never knew the right moment in a job interview to go in for a kiss. “I hate to say it, but when you meet your interviewer for the first time, that first kiss is such a make-or-break moment,” said Franklin, who added that he could start the interview with a quick peck on the cheek, or he could wait until it was done, at which point he would pin his prospective boss against the wall, plant one on him, and really leave a lasting impression. “It’s just so hard to know, because the last time I did a French kiss and definitely used way too much tongue, and I could tell my interviewer really kind of judged me. I just hope I don’t get too nervous and give him a hickey. Bosses hate that.” At press time, Franklin had reportedly decided to be bold and try to impress his hiring manager by just skipping straight to a blow job.