Commentator Joe Rogan has a history of making contentious and problematic remarks on his incredibly popular podcast, The Joe Rogan Experience. The Onion examines some of his most controversial statements.
Commentator Joe Rogan has a history of making contentious and problematic remarks on his incredibly popular podcast, The Joe Rogan Experience. The Onion examines some of his most controversial statements.
Who can forget his podcast discussion with controversial podiatrist Miles Whitney where he doubled down on his claim that each of the toes has a little tongue that can lick things.
The paper he cited that having autism can make you a wireless hotspot has been heavily debunked.
His fans did not like this one, threatening to boycott his show if he didn’t rescind his statement and issue an apology to all the men who had been hurt by his words.
Rogan then subsequently spent an excruciating three hours interviewing himself, during which he repeatedly called himself a liar, a coward, and accused himself of trying to cancel himself.
He said this while holding an evolutionary biologist in a headlock.
Rogan sparked massive controversy in April 2021 by giving a lot of his listeners a pass to believe that they’re healthy, exercising all the time, or eating well.
Many called Rogan antisemitic for perpetuating this hateful stereotype.
Rogan’s grasp of the U.S. legal system has always been tenuous at best.
It’s never cool to go after a culture’s religious beliefs.
The podcaster was accused of encouraging eating disorders after stating, “My muscles make me look fat,” and, “My goal weight is 99 pounds.”
Pretty hypocritical for this crusader against cancel culture to indulge in cancel culture himself, no?
There’s no way in hell Joe Rogan wears MeUndies.
Hah, he thinks he’s strong? Guy really is a comedian. What does he bench? Three hundred? Three hundred and fifteen? That’s kid stuff. Let us know when you’re done changing your diaper and need a spot.
Super embarrassing to look back on now that we know it never caught on.
Spotify offered him an additional $50 million if he says it exclusively on their platform.
Many were disgusted by old footage that surfaced of Rogan’s soul leaving his body and being sucked into a dimension made only of sound.
Rogan has since apologized for saying sorry once and has so far kept his promise to never do it again.
Um, kind of. We just ate, dude.
He was crazy for this one.
Oh, hold on, sorry—that was a decorative ceramic tile we saw at Home Goods that said that.
Fact check: Joe Biden will be 16 years old this November.
Hey, even a broken clock is right twice a day.