HINGHAM, MA—After getting out of bed and trudging into his bathroom early Monday morning, New England Patriots head coach Bill Belichick reportedly attempted to wake himself up by splashing some blood on his face. “I’m usually pretty groggy in the morning, so this is a good way to get energized,” said Belichick as he cupped some cold blood in his hands, tossed it onto his face several times in quick succession, and rubbed some blood in his eyes before drying off with a washcloth. “I always feel so much better afterwards—refreshed and ready to start my day. It wakes me up right away, which is great when I don’t have time for my usual hot blood shower in the morning.” Reports later confirmed that after getting dressed and putting on his shoes, Belichick realized he was late for work and quickly filled a travel mug with some steaming hot blood before rushing out the door.