With their made-up, overly complicated stories that dopes like you still manage to believe, pathological liars can be recognized by the following signs.
With their made-up, overly complicated stories that dopes like you still manage to believe, pathological liars can be recognized by the following signs.
Everyone already knows that honest people can maintain prolonged, unblinking eye contact regardless of conversation length.
Oh sure, the mountain was “enormous.” Liar.
If they keep punctuating their stories with this phrase, it’s a sure sign that something might be off.
A pathological liar’s story usually starts off with a compelling setup and call to action, but falls flat with a clunky, unconvincing resolution.
The first sign of a pathological liar is if they’ve been elected to an office of any kind. Bonus points if they’ve survived for more than a term.
It’s a little bit suspicious when every wild story they tell includes excessive details about parasailing with Richard Dreyfuss, besting Richard Drefuss in a game of chess, and riding around town on the back of Richard Dreyfuss’s Harley that seem like they’re only there to impress you.
If they tell you a story involving a crane, you know that they are intending to deceive and likely destroy you.
They must be some sort of sociopathic mastermind if they told you with a straight face that they enjoyed spending time with you.
Yeah, look in the fucking mirror, buddy. Everything good you believe about yourself, every last lie you tell yourself to get out of bed in the morning, it’s all horseshit. You’re dirt. You’re nothing. You built your castle on sand and now the great wave of reality is about to crash down upon it.
Unless they were lying about being one? Holy shit.
Uh huh, yeah, we’re sure you don’t have any money to feed your family, okay.
Either they’re outright admitting it or the line at the honesty urinal was way too long.
Only trust the Little Man. The Little Man is your friend. The Little Man would never betray you.
It’s more correlation than causation, and a fairly weak correlation at that. But hey, it’s something.
Bullshit! Only billionaires could afford two modes of transportation.
Which one is it? Yes, no, or bark, bark, bark?
I mean, you’re okay, but come on, “gorgeous?”
What? Sorry... Just click to the next slide.
Not only is this annoying, but it’s also is usually a dead giveaway.
Trust no one, stay inside. They’re all trying to get you!
Oh, he did? Well, that was a stupid way to end the show.