Gutsy, an eight-part docuseries starring and produced by Hillary and Chelsea Clinton, aims to shine a light on bold, brave women. Here are the best moments from the new Apple+ show.
Gutsy, an eight-part docuseries starring and produced by Hillary and Chelsea Clinton, aims to shine a light on bold, brave women. Here are the best moments from the new Apple+ show.
Dedicating the event to little girls everywhere, Hillary Clinton bravely overthrows a Latin American government despite not having the power to do so.
Never breaking from the the tone of their usual mother-daughter banter, Chelsea administers a rigorous 11-hour interrogation of her mother’s handling of the Benghazi attack.
Hillary seems almost relieved to reveal the reflective solo walks she took in the woods after losing the 2016 election were 100% staged.
In the episode “Gutsy Women Fight,” Hillary steps into the Octagon with Ronda Rousey, who knocks Hillary out cold and then follows up with a devastating roundhouse kick before the former secretary of state hits the canvass.
When Chelsea and her mom visit the Bene Gesserit sisterhood, popularized by the Dune novels and films, the younger Clinton must place her hand in a box of pure pain that will kill her if she removes it.
President Clinton makes a ton of cameos and, summoning up his famous charm, manages to sexually harass each and every woman his wife and daughter interview.
Who could forget when the gals had several current and former women of the Senate on the show to compete in a bikini jello wrestling competition?
For everyone’s comfort, Chelsea goes back to calling her Secretary Clinton immediately afterward.
According to producers, this was the only way for the cold, unmoving co-stars to connect with audiences.
In the shocking season cliffhanger, Chelsea announces she’s the one who leaked emails from Hillary’s 2016 presidential campaign.
In a total girlboss move, Hillary convinces members of the board on which she once served to vote down a wage increase for hundreds of thousands of low-level employees.
The Law And Order: SVU star sits uncomfortably as the Clintons lavish praise on her for arresting so many notorious criminals on TV, always is less than an hour.
Sometimes the gutsiest thing you can do is embrace chaos and all its consequences.
In a segment spotlighting a courageous female firefighter, an obviously concerned Hillary repeatedly wonders aloud if her husband is a pedophile.
In the second episode, viewers can faintly hear the sound of Alex Jones screaming as he and his camera crew are escorted off the premises by security.
The fourth episode features the Clinton ladies and guest Nikki Glaser slinging 120 minutes of R-rated insults at the former White House intern.
Hillary gives her daughter advice on how to use black site operators to destabilize entrenched regional forces, as a woman.
There are few women who can say they stood up to the anti-child-sex-trafficking establishment and didn’t squeal on any of their rich friends.
After spending an entire day talking about the woman’s local activism, the Clintons murder Chaves in a dark surprise twist no one sees coming.
In an effort to promote cross-cultural understanding, corn is consumed.
According to your mom.