What To Tell Your Teenager If They Get Pregnant
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“There’s hangers in the closet.”

Jesus, it’s like you have to do everything for them.
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“Are you the mother?”

There are no stupid questions.
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“I think it’s time we had the sex talk.”

Having a real world example will make the subject easier to explain to your child.
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Play your reality TV cards right, and you’ll be rich.
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“Hope it turns out better for you than it did for me.”

This is no time to let a solid burn go unused.
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“You and your baby are grounded.”

That fetus can’t come out of the womb for 18 months.
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“You’re my daughter, and I’m your mother, and we’ll get through this together!”

It’s important to remind the audience at home what the characters’ relationship to one another is.
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“Can I have it?”

You were considering having another child, and this seems like a fortuitous opportunity.
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“Think of this as an opportunity to ruin everything you hoped to accomplish in your life.”

A little optimism can help brighten what would otherwise be a very stressful situation.
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Getting some action still deserves a high five.
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“I’m not helping.”

This will reassure them that they’re totally on their own with no one to turn to.
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“Is that hot quarterback Jason the father?”

Oh my god, he’s so dreamy.
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“Do you think you’ll be able to stop drinking for that long?”

It’s your responsibility to let your child know one glass of wine here or there is still probably fine.
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“Push! Push!”

Good energy, even though that part doesn’t happen for another eight and a half months.
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“That’s nice, dear.”

No one will be able to tell that you weren’t listening.
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“Don’t worry, we’ll still pretend to love you.”

You always have, and you always will.
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“Do you want to keep it or were you thinking about keeping it?”

Let them know they have absolutely no options.
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“I had you when I was young, and other than the pregnant thing, you turned out fine.”

Reassure them that their baby will also probably turn out mostly fine.
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Ugh, gross! First she wants to know about condoms, and now this?
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“Bad move, IMHO.”

Comment this on your teen’s Instagram announcement and you’ll get at least five likes.
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“Have you chosen a race yet?”

Typically, the race is chosen at time of birth.