Rule No. 1 of working at Twitter? Do not insult the chief twit. Here are things that former employees said about Elon Musk that immediately got them fired.
Rule No. 1 of working at Twitter? Do not insult the chief twit. Here are things that former employees said about Elon Musk that immediately got them fired.
Exactly something a social justice warrior would say.
That runs directly counter to Musk’s plan to drive this baby into the ground.
All wives were supposed to be turned in last week.
Employees of Twitter 2.0 must hold their urine for at least 27 hours.
Elon Musk may be a fucking tool, but even he knows everything Weezer made after Pinkerton is reductive drivel.
Algorithm caught the word “union” and immediately sent security.
Not a chance. Elon Musk is the most nimble, athletic man on earth.
Not very “hardcore” to complain about spending the weekend trapped in Twitter headquarters, is it?
No one wants to work with a liar.
Read the room. You know bots don’t get a nice severance package, either.
He already knows. Stop wasting time!
This is apparently the thing Musk is most sensitive about.
Sitting reduces crucial blood flow to employees’ brains, which should be working nonstop to make Twitter profitable.
Threats to Musk’s corporate propagation plan will not be tolerated.
It’s also inappropriate for employees not to be talking about him.
Only absolute loyalty will be accepted!
Should’ve taken the horse.