Being a cog in a multibillion dollar machine is bad enough without having to make caffeinated drinks all day for unhinged customers. Here are the orders Starbucks baristas hate the most and why.
Being a cog in a multibillion dollar machine is bad enough without having to make caffeinated drinks all day for unhinged customers. Here are the orders Starbucks baristas hate the most and why.
It’s nearly impossible to get the froth-to-milk ratio right when the cup is one billionth of a centimeter wide.
Baristas can only produce so much saliva, and it can often take them up to an hour to complete this order.
Since the good coffee is only served upon request, this usually means they have to dump out the pot of Starbucks coffee and brew an entire pot of the good coffee just for your order.
It’s 6:58 p.m.! They close in two minutes and they’re already cleaning the coffee maker, get out of here!
Nearly impossible to hand through the drive thru window without spilling.
Yes, there’s no preparation required on their part, but a barista will be haunted all day by someone who buys a cold, clammy chicken quinoa salad from the refrigerated case.
No one should have to watch customers slurp floor liquid directly from a dirty bucket.
If the nicotine really tastes that watered down, maybe just steep your own Marlboros at home.
The Big Barrel is heavy, splintery, and leaky, so you slip a lot carrying The Big Barrel.
Fame-hungry influencers are to blame for this TikTok drink made from unstable liquid explosives.
Oh, I don’t know, maybe coming up with your own order after waiting 20 minutes in line?
No matter how many times a barista slaughters a pig it never gets easier.
Not only will the barista have to check your ID, they must also descend into the wine cellar to select the correct vintage.
The quarters that give this blended drink its signature flavor exclusively come from the tip jar.
That’s like going into McDonald’s and ordering a Whopper.
Please consider that this order does make your barista an accessory to violations of the Geneva convention.
Baristas can rarely tell if a customer means to order this off-menu drink or if they actually need to use the bathroom.
Pup Cups are one thing, but asking your barista to blend a whole handful of pinkie mice for your pet boa constrictor is quite another.
Take that bullshit somewhere else.
The machine makes terrifying, monster-like noises that can scare even the bravest barista.
Eventually everyone grows to deeply resent the thing that makes them famous.