Clearly you’re not that internet savvy if you’re still falling for clickbait and reading through this entire slideshow. Nonetheless, here are several signs you might be a social media clout chaser.
Clearly you’re not that internet savvy if you’re still falling for clickbait and reading through this entire slideshow. Nonetheless, here are several signs you might be a social media clout chaser.
Even when you’re not posting about anything related to the actress, you insist on tagging her account and asking her to share.
When your life has plateaued and you have no new updates, sometimes you just have to enhance your personal brand by having a kid or two to for follows and likes.
This pretty much guarantees it.
We don’t know why, but everyone who retweets or reposts this article will immediately gain thousands of loving, devoted fans who will worship them until the day they die.
It’s kind of insulting that your content wasn’t good enough to get you there in the first place.
Becoming famous on social media is pretty much the only option you have left.
Aligning yourself with celebrities is clearly nothing more than an attempt to gain quick attention.
Your parents definitely have trouble navigating the internet, but this is frankly, a simple ask.
Paying money to increase engagement levels is gross even if it’s about your missing child.
You hit the thumbs-up for that photo of your newborn niece, and all we can say is save some internet for the rest of us.
No real reason WWE champion Becky Lynch and her two million Twitter followers need to help you install a ceiling fan.
It may gain you favor in Paris, but you’ll never be anything more than a cheesemonger’s bastard.
They’ve noted that not even the mice used in the control group are addicted to anything as much as you are to notifications.
This is especially problematic because it doesn’t even make you look good.
While it may cause an initial surge in visits to your profiles, it would be hard to keep up in the long run.
When your Disney kid charm has long worn off, you could always use your massive earnings to hire a producer and editor to work on your “tell all” gossip videos.
Why waste valuable skin when your birth marks could be linking to a menu or online store?
The constant dopamine hits have rewired your brain to crave clout.