Most Frequently Googled Health Questions
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What Are Natural Home Remedies For Shotgun Wounds?

There’s an actual 9-inch hole in your chest, but maybe you don’t have to bother with all that ER rigmarole if you’ve already got the cure in your spice rack.
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Why Sad?

One of the most common Google searches returns the immediate response of “because you’re a fucking idiot.”
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Hot Nurse

Unfortunately, none of these providers listed are in your insurance network.
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Can I Get Cancer From Typing This Health Query?

This bizarre search generates more anxiety than it’s worth, as fewer than one person in a thousand actually gets cancer from this question.
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Does God Hate Me?

Those suffering from serious or chronic conditions are tempted to Google whether God hates them, but the amount of data Google has gathered on your personal life is able to answer this question with surprising accuracy, so only search if you’re willing to face potentially disappointing results.
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Testicles Stuck In Golf Ball Washer At Public Course, Children’s Field Trip Approaching, Ass In The Wind
Testicles Stuck In Golf Ball Washer At Public Course, Children’s Field Trip Approaching, Ass In The Wind

You’ll want to reach out to a psychiatrist about this immediately to begin building a solid legal defense.
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Am I Pregnant?

Google can’t tell you that even if you pee on the search bar.
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Can Women Die?

Despite their inner strength and tremendous beauty, most women will unfortunately one day die.
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What Is Doctor?

Sadly, due to stigma, most people turn to the internet to find the answer to this common burning question, often too embarrassed to ask “What is doctor?” in real life.
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Will Insurance Cover The Wounds To My Throat, Or Should I Just Let This Pit Bull Finish Me Off?
Will Insurance Cover The Wounds To My Throat, Or Should I Just Let This Pit Bull Finish Me Off?

Sadly, in this country, people will often turn to Google to get cost estimates before seeking out even urgent care.
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Is Dr. Quinn Medicine Woman Based On A True Doctor, And If So, Can I Hire Her To Work For My Family Around-The-Clock To Treat My Great Uncle’s Lupus?
Is Dr. Quinn Medicine Woman Based On A True Doctor, And If So, Can I Hire Her To Work For My Family Around-The-Clock To Treat My Great Uncle’s Lupus?

Many of the most-searched medical questions come from a place of real desperation.
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Why Do I Keep Urinating On Myself?

Google will often recommend proceeding to the washroom and using the toilet if an individual feels pressure building in their bladder. But remember that these answers are unvetted by medical professionals: Go directly to the doctor’s office while sopping wet in order to get a second opinion.
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Is It Normal To Have Hair On Your Knuckles?

Symptoms of STDs are one of the most frequently Googled topics.
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How Many Calories In Calzones, Big Ones With Sausage And Cheese, Five Of Them?

Keeping track of calorie consumption is a great first step to losing weight.
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How High Do I Need To Jump From To Kill Myself?

Healthline recommends 200 feet.
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Where Is Foot?

Despite the answer being fairly obvious to many Americans, every year, up to 20 million users Google “where is foot” or variations including “is foot down” and “two feet normal?”
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How Long Does Black Mamba Venom Hangover Last?

People who’ve been bitten by one of the most poisonous snakes on earth obviously want to know how long they’ll be feeling that neurotoxic paralysis the next day.
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WebMD + On Fire?

Rather than call 911, many uninsured Americans chose to Google “WebMD + on fire” and follow the instructions to often disastrous results.
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Is There A Cure For Lungs?

Many Google users worry about the organs that appeared in their bodies at a very young age without any warning and have since spread throughout their chest.
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How Long After I Hit My Head Should I Tricycle Frog Banana?

Probably fine to sleep this one off.