Mental health influencers may seem as if they have all the answers, but the truth is, they’re just as depressed and stupid as you are. If you’re on TikTok, do everything you can to avoid these dangerous mental health trends.
Mental health influencers may seem as if they have all the answers, but the truth is, they’re just as depressed and stupid as you are. If you’re on TikTok, do everything you can to avoid these dangerous mental health trends.
Hundreds of TikTok accounts swear by this dangerous cure for depression and encourage viewers to do the same while saying, “Stupid, stupid, stupid.”
On the plus side, flushing your mood stabilizers down the toilet is a great way to tell if you actually needed them or not.
While these videos of psych ward patients sprinting down halls naked and jumping out windows are amusing, this is pretty much a textbook HIPAA violation.
There’s no way to get a full understanding of mental illness from a few seconds on TikTok, but luckily there are much longer videos available on YouTube.
Parents should absolutely warn their children against TikTokers who promote the antiquated practice of drilling a hole in one’s skull to “let the depression out.”
Engaging with fellow peers on TikTok cruelly deceives teens into believing there’s more than crushing loneliness waiting for them in adulthood.
While many believe holding it all in is a new mental health trend, it’s actually more like a less respectable version of Stoicism.
Home cooks can’t stop making this viral recipe for strawberry cream-cheese French toast that’s absolutely chock-full of antidepressants.
It’s accurate but dangerous for people to think that not leaving the house for 10 months will give them absolutely gorgeous skin.
Just like every trend on TikTok, the belief that an advanced degree and specialized training matters is total bullshit.
Experts are warning parents to be on the lookout for a prank in which kids fill balloons with Valium and pop them over their most anxious friends.
You fucking idiot, fasting only fixes Bipolar I.
Not only could this give your teen Tourette’s, but it’s also downright offensive.
Stay away! Stay away at all costs!
No matter what TikTok influencers say, it’s impossible to self-diagnose schizophrenia through cinnamon, apple, or raisin oatmeal.
He may seem perfect, but the truth is, Ryan Gosling has his demons, too.
While many doctors have disavowed the trend, there are still several dozen TikTok influencers who claim cannibalism cures ADHD.
Unfortunately, most users have to learn the hard way.