WASHINGTON—Claiming that he had been systematically banned from playing games, purchasing Robux, or communicating with other users due to his political beliefs, Rep. Matt Gaetz (R-FL) told reporters Wednesday he had evidence that Roblox was actively silencing conservative voices. “Today, on Roblox, I was disgusted to find that my highly customized avatar, my in-game achievements, and my friends list had been totally wiped, all because I dared to speak my mind as a white, conservative man in America,” said Gaetz, who added that the gaming platform, which is popular among adolescents, had consistently and pervasively discriminated against prominent, outspoken Republican legislators and pundits like him. “As an active member of Roblox since 2017, I was disturbed, but not surprised, to find that the liberal elite had conspired to remove my friendship badge and ban me from playing my favorite pizza game on my private Discord server with my 900 mutuals. What if conservatives want to hunt virtual easter eggs or attend a Roblox Twenty One Pilots concert? The leftists in charge of Roblox are trying to prevent conservatives from seeking the truth and learning what users are wearing, where they live, and if their parents are home. Until we have a Roblox that supports free speech, people like me will always be second-class citizens.” At press time, Gaetz could not be reached for comment after evidence surfaced that he had sent a large number of Robux transactions to underage girls.