NEW YORK—Questioning whether the other player had misrepresented his skill level, local man Victor Luongo told reporters Tuesday he was starting to suspect his chess opponent with all queens was hustling him. “He insisted when we were laying down money on this game that he wasn’t very good, but we’re only a dozen moves in, and his 16 queens have already taken a bunch of my pieces,” said Luongo, who sat across from his adversary at an outdoor table in Washington Square Park, adding that he began to suspect something was fishy when he noticed his side of the board didn’t have a queen or any bishops. “I used an Italian opening, which I figured would put me in an easy position to defeat a player as bad as this guy was making himself out to be. Then the guy moved his queen to a position where I was easily able to take it with my knight, and I admit I started feeling kind of sorry for him. But soon he took my knight with another queen, and then he took my other knight with a third queen. After that, he put me in check with a fourth queen, and all of a sudden he had the advantage. I know in chess one player has all the queens, but it’s pretty frustrating to think that he’s taking me for a ride.” At press time, Luongo reportedly realized he wasn’t being hustled after all when he checkmated his opponent.