DURHAM, NC—Solidifying previously unspoken guidelines regarding one’s financial obligations in advance of a wedding, bridal-industry experts are now recommending that Americans set aside at least three months’ salary to spend on an engaged friend’s bachelorette party. “As a symbol of the serious commitment you are making to your friendship, wedding etiquette dictates that if you are invited to the party, you should contribute around 25% of your annual income to the festivities,” wedding planner Chandani Bahl told reporters Tuesday, explaining the importance of saving in advance, as the costs start to pile up when booking airfare, hotels, and nonrefundable, mandatory activities for oneself and 15 other people one has never met. “Costs can vary greatly depending on what part of the world you will be required to travel to and the size of the Airbnb, so it’s better to be prepared. You don’t want to have to put off celebrating your engaged friend because you don’t have enough in the bank to cover a luxury vacation you’d otherwise never go on. And you’ll want to have sufficient funds available when a dozen or more bachelorette party attendees agree to split the check evenly despite several of them having ordered lobster, filet mignon, and three extra rounds of drinks.” Bahl later clarified that the three months’ salary rule only applied to the party and would not even begin to cover what people should expect to spend on the subsequent destination wedding.