LOS ANGELES—Pledging to cut down on fossil fuels in any way they could, a climate-conscious Drake, Kylie Jenner, and Elon Musk were spotted Friday cramming into a celebrity Megabus. “Before, I’d probably fly private between New York and L.A., but now, I’d much rather take a Megabus for a 45-hour, 3,000-mile trip across the country,” said Jenner, adding that the intercity buses—which can hold over 80 celebrities and count Taylor Swift, Jay Z, and Kim Kardashian as customers—each had two levels, a bathroom in the back, and made convenient stops in downtown Indianapolis, Des Moines, and Burbank. “Sure, it might not be as comfortable as a plane, but between the cup holders and the individual outlets, I don’t really miss my private jet at all. Unfortunately, once we got on the I-80, Drake did get pretty car sick. But for $15 a trip, how can you beat it?” At press time, Drake, Jenner, and Musk were seen fanning themselves outside a rural Iowa gas station after their bus broke down and their driver disappeared.