As the abortion debate intensifies, it’s become abundantly clear that most men don’t know the first thing about sexual reproduction. Here are the biggest misconceptions guys need to correct ASAP.
As the abortion debate intensifies, it’s become abundantly clear that most men don’t know the first thing about sexual reproduction. Here are the biggest misconceptions guys need to correct ASAP.
For the best chance of pregnancy, men ideally shouldn’t wear any underwear at all during sex.
Many men squeeze some lemon juice onto the tip of their penis in the erroneous belief it will help the sperm stay fresh and keep it from browning.
Women can do anything!
This is only true of children conceived through anal sex.
Many couples struggle for years to work up the motivation to have sex.
After an unexpected pregnancy, it’s not uncommon to hear a man exclaim, “But I wore 21 condoms!”
This misconception accounts for most men’s anxiety in the delivery room.
Actual vaginal teeth are flat and designed to grind grains.
There’s no proof this works, though it can be healthy to take some time to process the sin you’ve just committed.
Before it’s ever in the penis, the fetus first starts in the testicles.
While fetuses can hear sounds within the womb, they have no conception of money.
It’s better to stand back and let the doctors and nurses handle the Stone Temple Pilots trivia portion of the delivery.
No, women can’t use their vaginal muscles to sift through the semen and eliminate the losers.
Actually, much like women, men also have a “ticking clock” and must reproduce while they’re still alive.
This is somehow better than blaming the woman for giving birth to a daughter.
Males actually release thousands of sperm at a time, so accuracy isn’t very important.
Trained medical professionals spend years learning to abort babies via telepathic mind beam.
Alternatively, either party can just make a “timeout” sign with their hands.
Unfortunately, humans haven’t quite perfected the art of splitting themselves in two.