On June 24, 2022, the Supreme Court overturned Roe v. Wade, ending the constitutional right to abortion in the United States. The Onion asked Americans how they felt about the decision, and this is what they said.
On June 24, 2022, the Supreme Court overturned Roe v. Wade, ending the constitutional right to abortion in the United States. The Onion asked Americans how they felt about the decision, and this is what they said.
“It’s a great day, but women’s autonomy over their bodies can always resurface if we’re not careful.”
“You may not like it, but in a democracy, the will of the majority is totally ignored.”
“Let’s celebrate that women had any rights for this long.”
“I’m going to do my part by voting for Democrats this November.”
“I’m just glad I voted blue to make sure we have representatives who feel as helpless as I do.”
“Oh, did we lose another fundamental right? It’s so hard to keep track these days.”
“I have to think that the two people on the court who have allegedly committed sexual assault have women’s best interests at heart.”
“Ever since I found out I couldn’t have a baby, it has been my lifelong dream to make sure everyone else is forced to.”
“This raises the terrifying possibility that the conservative supermajority will do the things they have explicitly said they are going to do.”
“I’m sure the Democrats’ best and brightest social media managers are on the case.”
“I had no idea the Supreme Court felt this way. A warning sure would’ve been nice!”
“It will be nice to finally have a reason to put people in our country’s notoriously underpopulated prisons.”
“I was really hoping the rabid right-wing theocrats on the court would have changed their minds since that draft opinion was leaked.”
“If we don’t fight for the life of the unborn on earth, who will serve us as eternal slaves and do our bidding in heaven?”
“All those fetuses don’t get to avoid being born when I had to be.”
“Honestly, I was sort of feeling like the amount of human rights I had before was kind of overkill.”
“I guess I’m okay with it, as long as one of the babies a mother is forced to have ultimately becomes the deciding vote on the Supreme Court to reinstate Roe v. Wade.”
“Quite frankly, I think the justices who wrote the opinion are heroes.”