Americans Defend The Police’s Use Of Excessive Force
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Beth Caldwell (Art Historian)

“We can’t have instances where police in the heat of the moment have to stop and second-guess whether it’s excessive to kick a guy who’s already unconscious.”
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Jason Murphy (ER Nurse)

“Makes work more interesting.”
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Abubakar Surangiwala (Software Engineer)

“Excessive force is the only way to counter excessive civility.”
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Tracy Miller (Civil Engineer)

“Sometimes the ends justify the means when it comes to stopping Black people from running errands.”
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Miguel Salazar (Insurance Broker)

“Not getting fired enough will make the gun’s balls swell up, and that hurts, real, real bad.”
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Daniel Carson (Police Officer)

“I took the deescalation course, and it only made me want to kill people more.”
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Samantha Hailey (Airline Pilot)

“If we don’t have a strong police force, then how will we ever catch that rascal Banksy and end the infuriating mockery he’s made of modern society?”
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Denise Chapman (Medical Assistant)

“Who’s never woken up from a dissociative episode with their hands covered in someone else’s blood and a body lying on the ground?”
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Jared Foster (Attorney)

“It would be a real waste to dump billions into military gear and not let cops brutalize people.”
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Kelley Woods (Train Operator)

“Sometimes officers have to use force not because they want to, but because they really, really want to.”
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Tiffany Gray (Physical Therapist)

“Anyone who steals a Snickers bar should be brutally beaten to death.”
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Dennis Milch (Police Officer)

“My defense attorney told me not to give an inch.”
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Chase Reid (Lab Technician)

“Excessive force is just their way of saying they love you.”
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Raja (Zoo Elephant)

“I don’t trust Blacks or Latinos and think we need police to keep them in line. Sorry, some elephants are just racist. Nothing you can do about it.”
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Eric Pye (Financial Manager)

“Sometimes it’s really hard to count all the way to 10 before reacting.”
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Joe Biden (President)

“Why else did I give them so much fucking money?”
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Reis Gibson (Wedding Planner)

“I’m sure the victim had it coming for all the bad things the cops will pin on him.”
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Rachel George (Dentist)

“I really make a killing on patients who have had their teeth knocked out.”
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Mike Billings (Stocking Associate)

“Some people are socially awkward and not sure where else to put their hands but around a stranger’s neck.”
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Libby Whitehead (Jewelry Maker)

“I don’t know, I just like that ‘Bad Boys’ song.”
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Hugh Cullen (Bartender)

“How can we have a functional society if citizens don’t have the constant fear of being violently brutalized with no recourse?”
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Tyler Carpenter (Police Officer)

“Do we have a problem here? I’m going to need you to stop here on this slide while I ask you a few questions.”