PORTLAND, ME—Praising the child for the maturity he had shown in coping with such a difficult life event, sources confirmed Friday that 7-year-old Bryce Sanders seemed to be internalizing and suppressing his emotions about his parents’ divorce surprisingly well. “Obviously, I was worried Bryce might have a rough time with the separation, but it’s really heartening to see how he’s pushing all of his feelings deep down inside himself until they barely seem to exist,” said Andrew Sanders, stressing that the second-grader appeared to have the dead eyes and emotional numbness of a person twice his age. “When my parents got divorced, I cried and cried and did everything I could to make them know how I was feeling. But Bryce is really being a trouper in how he’s dissociating from his trauma. My little guy is doing such a good job swallowing his pain!” Sources also confirmed that they expected to be even more impressed by Bryce when all of this inevitably came out in therapy three decades from now.